The question of how to reach people and tell them about your research project, especially at the results stage is a difficult one. People are generally overwhelmed with information from multiple angles, and let’s be frank, emails seem very 2000. Do people even read them anymore?
We jest, of course! But marketing research (eek!) suggests that people do subscribe to newsletters, actually read them and even find them useful if their content is interesting, relevant to their interests and look good, as long as they are not too numerous, are not filled with dubious marketing content/ gimmicks and are not too long.
We promise to avoid these pitfalls! Our newsletter will be short, will come out twice a year and will feature a summary of where we want to go, how our progress is going in getting there and highlight the work of our many early career researchers.
Please subscribe if that sounds interesting to you, you can do so from the front page of our website, from this page or from below. Our first newsletter will be coming out in the coming weeks.