CHARTER at the European Polar Science Week

Last week, several CHARTER project researchers attended the European Polar Science week in Copenhagen organised by the European Commission and the European Space Agency. CHARTER findings and results were presented by Mariana García Criado in a well attended session that also had presentations by the sister projects that dealt with Arctic biodiversity FACE-IT and ECOTIP. Below is a gallery of

CHARTER at the Finnish Met Institute Snow Seminar

Many thanks to all the 90 registered participants of the FMI’s 11th Pyry snow seminar on 1.11.2023! The seminar was again a great success and the talks and poster presentations included topics such as (but not limited to) Antarctic and Arctic research, weather and climate modelling, snow model approaches, and citizen science (by Outi Meinander, FMI). Collaboration has always been in

New CHARTER publication on ‘Rain-on-Snow’ events

We are excited to let you know about an important new CHARTER publication which has just been released. Published in the journal The Cryosphere, the article is lead authored by Annett Bartsch, who is the leader of Work Package 1 is titled: Towards long-term records of rain-on-snow events across the Arctic from satellite data. The article has input from many

Springing into CHARTER fieldwork & new publication

Longer daylight hours and milder temperatures means optimal snow covered fieldwork time. A number of CHARTER project reseachers are undertaking fieldwork periods this week. Temperatures are mild at this time of year in northern Scandinavia, currently in the -8 to +2 degrees range during the day and -15 to -8 overnight. The melting and refreezing of the snow surface makes

Bringing Citizen Science & Snow to the Classroom

Under gorgeous spring skies by the banks of the Ounasjoki river last Friday, CHARTER Arctic researchers Sirpa Rasmus and Leena Leppänen brought their snow science to the next generation of researchers. With the participation of the Grade 5 students from the Rovaniemi Steiner school students and their teacher, the principles of snow structure, snow pack, snow layers and the tools

Tutkijat toivovat kansalaisilta lumihavaintoja

Lumen päälle satava vesi ja lumipeitteen jääkerrokset ovat CHARTER- hankkeessa erityisen kiinnostuksen kohteena. Jäiset kerrokset vaikuttavat kasvien talvehtimisoloihin ja vaikeuttavat eläinten kaivautumista lumen läpi. Tällä on merkitystä myös pohjoisen elinkeinoille, muun muassa poronhoidolle. Lumipeitteen kerrosrakenne ja jääkerrokset havaitaan paikan päällä tehtävien lumikuoppien avulla. Näitä havaintoja hyödyntävät satelliittiavusteisten lumihavaintojen kehittäjät sekä lumi- ja ilmastomallinnuksen tekijät. Havaintoaineistoa voisivat käyttää myös alueen asukkaat