Juan-Ignacio Ramirez: New CHARTER Post Doc

The CHARTER project may be entering its final year, but there is still time to squeeze in one more PostDoc (likely the projects last!). His name is Juan-Ignacio Ramirez and he is going to be working with Dr. Dorothee Ehrich at The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø. His overall research interest is to understand both how consumers (not the shopping

Some fieldwork in Russia is underway

Conducting fieldwork in the midst of a pandemic has been a challenge for all academic projects that rely on fieldwork to be carried out ‘in the field’ to test hypotheses and gather raw data. Multiple fieldtrip have been cancelled, scaled back, or carried out in much-reduced circumstances. This has certainly been the case for the CHARTER project.  Now, all research projects

CHARTER Arctic fieldwork takes some tentative steps

Late spring and summer is normally a busy time for fieldwork in the Arctic. The conditions are more amenable, work routines allow for extended periods away from teaching and administrative duties and the fieldwork season is one which many eagerly look forward to – a chance to leave the office, get out in the field and spend time with colleagues