Award for CHARTER supported publication and new paper published

Every year, the Editors of Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research select an article from the previous year’s issue for the Editors’ Choice Award. The award recognizes an influential paper demonstrating research excellence contributing substantially to our understanding of physical and environmental science in cold environments. We are thrilled to post that the academic article “Socioecological dynamics of diverse global permafrost-agroecosystems

Critical Seasons for Reindeer Herders – New CHARTER publication

Ten CHARTER researchers led by the Nenets scholar Roza Laptander new article has just been published. Titled ‘Critical seasonal conditions in the reindeer-herding year: A synopsis of factors and events in Fennoscandia and northwestern Russia’, the authors explore key aspects of the yearly reindeer herding cycle as perceived by reindeer herders in Fennoscandia and northwestern Russia. Indigenous Sámi and Yamal