New CHARTER publication: Reindeer herding statistics in Russia. Magical Numbers?

A new CHARTER publication has landed! Titled “Reindeer herding statistics in Russia: issues of reliability, interpretation, and political effect, the paper is authored by Kirill V. Istomin , Roza I. Laptander and Joachim Otto Habeck. The paper is published in the journal Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice. From the abstact: Official reindeer herding statistics are an invaluable source of data

CHARTER Arctic fieldwork takes some tentative steps

Late spring and summer is normally a busy time for fieldwork in the Arctic. The conditions are more amenable, work routines allow for extended periods away from teaching and administrative duties and the fieldwork season is one which many eagerly look forward to – a chance to leave the office, get out in the field and spend time with colleagues